Using Gtk4 outside the REPL

If you're using Gtk4 from command-line scripts, the following design prevents Julia from quitting before you have a chance to see or interact with your windows:

using Gtk4
win = GtkWindow("gtkwait")

# Put your GUI code here

if !isinteractive()
    c = Condition()
    signal_connect(win, :close_request) do widget
    @async Gtk4.GLib.glib_main()

By waiting on a Condition, Julia will keep running until a signal handler calls notify(c). This pattern allows for multiple events to trigger the condition, such as a button press, or one of many windows to be closed. Program flow will resume at the wait line, after which it would terminate in this example.

In the common case that we simply wish to wait for a single window to be closed, this can be shortened by using waitforsignal:

using Gtk4
win = GtkWindow("gtkwait")

# Put your GUI code here

if !isinteractive()
    @async Gtk4.GLib.glib_main()


For larger projects, you may want to use GtkApplication, which enables useful functionality based around GtkApplicationWindow, GAction, GActionMap, etc. For that you can use the following pattern in a non-interactive script:

using Gtk4

function activate(app)
    win = GtkApplicationWindow(app, "my title")

app = GtkApplication()

Gtk4.signal_connect(activate, app, :activate)


In the activate function, you can create your windows, widgets, etc. and connect them to signals. When all GtkApplicationWindows have been closed, the script will exit.

Creating an app with PackageCompiler

PackageCompiler.jl can be used to create an executable file that can be transferred to other computers without installing Julia. An example can be found in the examples/ExampleApplication directory in the Gtk4.jl repo.